In India, flower garlands are usually offered to God and the spiritual masters as a symbolic offering from the heart with love and devotion. Upon the seventy-fifth anniversary of Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s renunciation of worldly life and his arrival in Puri, the author offers this collection of his beloved master’s teachings to inspire others. Each reminiscence or story is a beautiful and precious flower of lover and wisdom given to disciples twice; first by the master in the instances described, and now by Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji for our ongoing spiritual development.
‚The Flower Garland: Teachings of a Great Master‘ includes reminiscences of Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s childhood, episodes of ashram life, and many tales of his travels and lectures given around the world. Filled with encouragement, humor, love, and practical wisdom, this book will inspire and teach countless spiritual seekers in years to come.
Author: Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
ISBN: 978-3-99000-048-9
Published: 2013
Number of pages: 136