This commemorative travel journal spans four decades of Kriya Yoga in the West with stories and photos from Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s beautiful life as a supreme yogi and God-realized saint. It begins with his auspicious 1974 decision to depart India and spread the original, rare practice of simple meditative techniques. Private accounts from his most devoted disciples are colorful and touching, along with newspaper accounts of Gurudev’s mission to bring Self-realization to the masses.
His radiant, all-accomplishing, divine personality bursts through in these pages like a sunrise. Love and compassion, the belief that work is worship, is the beautiful living legacy of our Beloved Guruji Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, spiritual head of Kriya Yoga International organizations, and many charities around the world. Please enjoy this Fortieth Anniversary Souvenir edition covering these special pioneering days of the one who blessed so many lives along his path. This book is offered at the holy lotus feet of all the masters in our sacred lineage of gurus.
Author: Other
ISBN: 978-3-99000-057-1
Published: 2014
Number of pages: 132
Note: Anniversary Souvenir