Sorrow is a dark, foreboding storm cloud that covers the sunshine of happiness. Just as nowhere on earth is sunny every day, no person’s life is free from the menacing clouds of sorrow.
In this uplifting and insightful booklet, Freedom from Sorrow, we learn that freedom from sorrow does not mean we will always be free from hardship and misfortune; it means that when unpleasant circumstances arrive, we can remain unshaken and free ourselves from sorrow’s icy grip. Through his deep understanding of the human condition, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda explains the actions that lead us to a state of sadness and depression. He teaches us the practical steps we can take to overcome negative thinking and reacting to difficult situations that confront us. In a world where many of us fall victim to the negativity and uncertainty that surrounds us, this small booklet holds the key to finding lasting happiness.
Author: Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
ISBN: 978-3-99000-095-3
Published: 2018
Number of pages: 34
Note: Book 3 – The art of Living and Giving Series
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P. Prajnanananda