Humility is perhaps the least understood, but the most important, of all virtues. No good quality can be deemed a virtue unless it is grounded in humility. When seekers of Truth lack humility, they stand still on the path of spiritual growth. If we are not humble, our good qualities are nothing more than fodder for the false ego — the ego that prevents us from knowing who we really are.
In this small but thought-provoking book, Humility: The Stepping Stone to Spirituality, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji dispels misperceptions often associated with humility. We learn how and why humility creates invincible strength. We learn that it is not a weakness as many believe it to be. Through deep spiritual insight and his own experiences the master clearly outlines the steps that must be taken to cultivate humility. Anyone who practices what Paramahamsaji teaches will reap the supreme bounty that can only be harvested by one who is humble.
Author: Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
ISBN: 978-3-99000-087-8
Published: 2018
Number of pages: 92
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P. Prajnanananda