Our parents teach us about the world, but a spiritual master teaches us what lies beyond it. A master teaches us how to conquer the world by conquering ourselves. When a student is receptive and follows the master’s guidance, advancement on the spiritual path is assured. When the teachings take root in the heart and mind, they flourish and grow when faithfully practiced with discipline and love. No doubt, this was the case for Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji, the foremost disciple of the God-realized yogi Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji. Through his unflinching spirit, dedication, selfless love, and devotion, Prajnananandaji was perfectly attuned to his master and ultimately achieved the pinnacle of Self-realization.
This second volume of In the Company of My Master contains Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji’s notes and recollections as a young disciple of his beloved Gurudev. In this enlightening and intimate book Prajnananandaji shares some of his most treasured memories, revealing the master’s words and actions that laid the foundation and provided the necessary thrust for him to achieve the ultimate goal of life. It is an indispensable source of inspiration for every seeker. As we read this book, we will realize that when we follow the master’s teachings with implicit faith and love, everything is possible.
Author: Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
ISBN: 978-3-99000-153-0
Published: 2020
Number of pages: 398
Note: Vol 2