Dimensions of Kriya Yoga


Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Among all the different spiritual practices, the most ancient and effective one is the science of Kriya Yoga. The ancient scriptures like the Vedas, Puranas, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, and other classical spiritual texts sing the glory of Kriya Yoga. It is a very simple, effective, non-sectarian, and dynamic meditation technique, which is also the essence of all religions.

The essence of Kriya Yoga is nothing but loving one’s own breath as the power of the Divine and loving all living beings who breathe. Breath is life and the door to emotional turmoil or peace and love. It is why the masters emphasized the path of yoga and meditation as the means to have mastery over breath.
Kriya Yoga leads to an expansion of the heart and emancipation of life, which in turn beautifies one’s own life and opens the door to peace in one’s personal, family, and social life. Undoubtedly, the modern world needs it due to its effectiveness.

Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s teachings are a timeless treasure and a source of inspiration for sincere seekers. His simple and humble lifestyle and easy accessibility kindled the light of love and compassion in the hearts of many. Some of his practical spiritual teachings are compiled in the Dimensions of Kriya Yoga, which contains fifteen topics on Kriya Yoga. His teachings are both direct and heart touching.

Author: Paramahamsa Hariharananda
ISBN: 978-3-99000-065-6
Published: 2015
Number of pages: 100

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