Yogacharya Ruud Wierdsma

Ruud has been initiated into Kriya Yoga by Rajarshi Peter Baba in 1986. He met Gurudev Baba Hariharanandaji in Karar Ashram (Puri) in 1990.

He has been assisting with the maintenance and care of the buildings and grounds as well as with the daily administration of ashram activities in Holland since its opening in 1993.
In 1997/1998 he went to Homestead to stay with Gurudev.
In 2002 he attended the First Residential Brahmachari Training Course in Balighai, India.
In 2023 he was authorized to initiate seekers into Kriya Yoga by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda.

Ruud lives with his wife in Sterksel, close to the ashram.

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